Book Reviews
Excerpt from New Ben Hogan Biography

'A Difficult Par' by James R. Hansen
Reviewed by Dr. John WagnerOn April 29, 1912, Robert Trent Jones, just five years old, raced to the front of the steamship
USGA Names Herbert Warren Wind Award Winner
In recognition of its high standard of achievement in golf literature, James R. Hansen's "A Difficult Par: Robert Trent Jones Sr. and the Making of MoGolf Book Roundup

Here's a brief recap/review of some recent golf books I've received. They run the gamut: from personal obs
'Two Good Rounds - Titans' by Elisa Gaudet

'Life from the Press Box' by Jim Street

Now-retired journalist Jim Street penned this memoir about his lengthy career as a sportswriter. The oversi
'America's St. Andrews' by Blaine Newnham

How could 900 acres of sandy land, Pierce County executive John Ladenburg, fescue grasses, golf architec
Upcoming Book on Chambers Bay & 2015 U.S. Open - 'America's St. Andrews' - to be Featured in Washington State Fair Exhibit

John Minan's 'Little Book of Golf Law, 2nd Edition' Still a Double-Bogey

When the second edition of attorney-turned-professor John "Jack" Minan's "Little Book of Golf Law, 2nd Editi
'Wide Open Fairways' by Bradley S. Klein
Reviewed by Dr. John WagnerThis book is a refreshing look at golf course design from a non-architect who loves golf and its courses
'Life is an Unplayable Lie'
Book Review - John Hopkins's 'Fore!'
'His Ownself'
'The Best of Plimpton'
'The Kingdom of Golf in America by Richard Moss' and 'Golf in America by George Kirsch'
'The Legendary Evolution of Pinehurst' by Richard Mandell
'Fore! Gone. Minnesota's Lost Golf Courses - 1897-1999'
'Fore! The Best of Wodehouse on Golf'
'Two Good Rounds - Superstars'
'The Wit and Wisdom of Golf Course Architects'
Children's Book Celebrates Ouimet's Historic Win
USGA Publishes U.S. Open Book
Cybergolf's Joel Zuckerman Releases New Book
'The War by the Shore' by Curt Sampson
USGA Announces Herbert Warren Wind Book Award Winner
Late-Summer 2012 Golf Books
'Trophies and Tradition, the History of the Big Ten' by Chris Clouser
'The Upset' by Al Barkow
'Gary Player - Golf's Global Ambassador from South Africa to Augusta' by John Boyette
'Brassies, Mashies, and Bootleg Scotch' by Bill Kilpatrick
'First off the Tee' by Don Van Natta, Jr.
'Wonder Girl' Wins 2011 USGA Herbert Warren Wind Book Award
'Lost Balls' by Charles Lindsay
New Book to Be Released
'Two Good Rounds' by Elisa Gaudet
'Cinderella Story: My Life in Golf'
'Let There be Pebble' by Zachary Michael Jack
Chuck Klosterman - New Book but the Song Remains the Same
'Brassies, Mashies, & Bootleg Scotch' by Bill Kilpatrick
'Golf List Mania' by Leonard Shapiro & Ed Sherman
'The Swinger' by Michael Bamberger & Alan Shipnuck
'Deane Beman - Golf's Driving Force' by Adam Schupak
'The Biography of A. Vernon Macan - Just Call Me Mac' by Michael Riste
'Deane Beman, Golf's Driving Force' by Adam Schupak
'If Golf Were the Only Game' by Bob Cram
'Miracle at Merion' by David Bartlett
'The Timeless Swing' by Tom Watson
'Dream On' by John Richardson
'Miracle at Merion' by David Bartlett
'Golfing With Dad' by David Barrett
'The 1986 Masters - How Jack Nicklaus Roared Back To Win' by John Boyette
'A Disorderly Compendium of Golf' by Lorne Rubenstein & Jeff Neuman
'Dogleg Madness' by Mike Bryan
'The Little Book of Indoor Golf Games' by Adrian Winter
'The Caddie' by Michael Veron
'Golf's Sacred Journey: A Week at the Links of Utopia' by Dr. David Cook
'The Return of the Four Hour Round' by Patrick Mateer
'Mr. Hogan: The Man I Knew' by Kris Tschetter with Steve Eubanks
'True Links' by George Peper & Malcolm Campbell
'Titanic Thompson' by Kevin Cook
'Golfing with God' by Roland Merullo
Golf's Version of 'Believe It or Not!'
'To Win & Die in Dixie' by Steve Eubanks
'Golf & the American Country Club'
The Country Club History Wins USGA Book Award
'Ancestral Links' by John Garrity
Special Sale on 'Around the World in 80 Rounds'
'The Art of Scoring' by Stan Utley
Book Review: 'Stan Leonard - Canada's Forgotten Golf Legend'
Giant Golf Books
The King & I
'My Golfing Day with Dad' by Carol Abbott
'Freddie & Me' by Tripp Bowden
Book Review & Interview: Tom Coyne's 'A Course Called Ireland'
'Finding Your Zone' by Michael Lardon, M.D.
'The Golf Observer 2009 PGA Tour Preview' by Sal Johnson
'Golf, Naked' by Greg Rowley
'The Golfer's Handbook' by Tony Dear
'Pete Dye Golf Courses' by Joel Zuckerman
'The Caddie Who Played With Hickory' by John Coyne
Book Review Roundup
'Pops and Sunshine' by Dave Andrews
'Slim and None' & 'The Franchise Babe - Golf, God, and Country' by Dan Jenkins
Review of 'Poems 2008,' by Robert Trent Jones, Jr.
'The Feeling of Greatness: The Moe Norman Story' by Tim O'Connor
'Tommy's Honor' Wins USGA Book Honors
Useful Golf Book
Useful Golf Book: 2nd Edition
'A Golfer's Dream' by Larry Berle
Sal Johnson's 2008 PGA Tour Guidebook Great for Fans, Fantasy Players
'Around the World in 80 Rounds' by David Wood
'Golfing New England - Courses, Legends, History and Hints'
'The Match' by Mark Frost
'The Seventh at St. Andrews' by Scott Gummer
'Out of Bounds' by John Corrigan
'Championships and Friendships: The First 100 Years of the Pacific Northwest Golf Association'
'The Golf Courses of Stanley Thompson'
'Golf Digest's Golf Weekends'
'You're Still Away'
Thirteen Stars in Galaxy of Texas Golf Holes
'Golf's Golden Age' is Gold Standard for Golf Books
New Book about Stanley Thompson
'From The Red Tees' by Celeste Palermo
'Don't Ask What I Shot - How Eisenhower's Love of Golf Helped Shape 1950s America,' by Catherine M. Lewis
'The Impact Zone' by Bobby Clampett & Andy Brumer
'The Edict' by Bob Cupp
'One Nation Under Par' by Mark Nemcek
'Tommy's Honor,' by Kevin Cook
'Make Your Golf Dream A Reality' by Lou Hays
Finegan Wins USGA Herbert Warren Wind Book Award
Irish Golf Book Reviews
'The Golden Rules of Golf' by Dr. Bob Spears
'The Efficient Golfer' by Robert Anthony Pritchard
‘Fix The Yips Forever’ by Hank Haney with Matthew Rudy
‘Around the World in Eighty Rounds’ Gets Release Date
'The Doonbeg Ghosts' by Ivan Morris
A Gentleman's Game, by Tom Coyne
Jimmy Demaret: The Swing's the Thing, by John Companiotte & The PGA Championship: The Season's Final Major, by Companiotte & Catherine Lewis
Munie: The Jitterbug Collection’ by Bobby Steiner
‘A Paradise Called Pebble Beach’ by Ray A. March
‘The Secret of Hogan's Swing’ by Tom Bertrand & Printer Bowler
'Dr. Divot's Guide to Golf Injuries,' by Larry Foster M.D
‘Slices: Observations from the Wrong Side of the Fairway’ by I. J. Schecter
‘Bad Lie’ by John R. Corrigan
‘Byron Nelson’ by John Companiotte
‘Alliss' 19th Hole’ by Peter Alliss with Rab MacWilliam
‘Rough Meditations’ by Bradley S. Klein
‘Dream Golf: The Making of Bandon Dunes,’ by Stephen Goodwin
A Threesome of Book Reviews
Around the World in Eighty Rounds
PGA of America Offers Home Library
‘The Sweetest Game’ by Cal Brown
‘Leadbetter’s Quick Tips: The Ultimate Short Lessons to Fix Any Part of Your Game’
‘Shanks for Nothing’ by Rick Reilly
‘Confessions of a Sandbagger’ by J.J. Gowland
‘Tillinghast: Creator of Golf Courses’ by Philip Young
‘Mulligan’s Laws,’ Henry Heard, Editor
‘The Big Tour’ by Robert Upton
‘Follow the Wind’ by Bo Links
‘The Greatest Course That Never Was’ by J. Michael Veron
‘America! What have you done to the Auld Game?’ by W. Eric Laing
‘When War Played Through’ by John Strege
‘The Greatest Golfer Who Never Lived’ by J. Michael Veron
‘Sam – The One and Only Sam Snead’ by Al Barkow
‘Golflore: Notes, Quotes & Anecdotes’ by Arv Olson
‘Links, Lore and Legends: The Story of Texas Golf’ by Art Stricklin
‘Snap Hook’ by John Corrigan
‘Wise Words for Golfers’ by Dale Concannon
‘A Golf Story’ by Charles Price
‘Out of the Rough’ by Bernard Darwin Enters Classics of Golf Library
‘Lost Balls’ by Charles Lindsay
‘Slim and None’ by Dan Jenkins
‘Slim and None’ by Dan Jenkins
‘The Greatest Game Ever Played’ by Mark Frost
‘Nice Shot, Mr. Nicklaus’ by Michael Konik
‘The Foursome’ by Troon McAllister
‘Official Price Guide to Golf Collectibles’ by Edward Kiersh
‘A View from the Rough’ by Mike Klemme
‘The Northwest Golfer's Almanac’ (Edited by Jeff Shelley)
‘The Greatest Course That Never Was’ by J. Michael Veron
'Best Places to Golf - Northwest' by Jeff Wallach
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