Featured Golf News
GolfeCoach Released
February 18, 2009. The GolfeCoach is an intensive, unique coaching system that delves deep into the personal development of aspiring golfers. It allows golfers to discover where great performance really comes from and get training in these fundamentals for success:
* Goal Setting
* Confidence
* Perseverance
* Imagination
* Character
* Repetition
* Knowledge
* Planning
* Leadership
* Attitude
You can customize the GolfeCoach, edit, save notes about your own performance, and even put up 'Sticky Notes' wherever you need them.
Need a little clarification of the lesson on the page? That's what the pop-ups are for. They're scattered throughout the eCoach so you can see things from a little different perspective.
Books and videos are fine, but they can't compare to the GolfeCoach. They don't allow you to add things about your own performance, but the GolfeCoach does. Imagine learning what's beyond the golf swing, and you can customize your eCoach based on your performance.
Your golf game isn't about what someone else thinks a perfect golf swing is - it's about how you play the game of golf!
Whether it's for you or someone you know, the GolfeCoach is your guide to helping you achieve your goals on the golf course.
For more information, visit http://www.golfecoach.com.
Bob Duncan is a 25-year PGA Golf Professional from Redmond, OR, with a strong player-coach philosophy. Bob is the author and developer of the new GolfeCoach, a personal coaching guide for high school -college players and teams based on 15 life success lessons and on-course coaching. Bob has given over 8,000 hours of golf instruction and coaching and has custom-fit over $1.6 million in golf clubs. Visit www.golfeCoach.com or email Bob at golfsavvy@msn.com.
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