Featured Golf News
Golf Carbon Project Gains Support
As the initial stages of the Colorado Golf Carbon Project continue, the number of organizations supporting the initiative is growing. In recent letters of support the National Turfgrass Federation as well as the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and The Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG) show their appreciation of the project:
"This project is a logical extension of previous groundbreaking environmental projects completed in Colorado by Colorado State University, the USDA/ARS, and the Allied Golf Associations of Colorado. The National Turfgrass Federation and its allied associations believe that resources from a diverse group of stakeholders make the Colorado Golf Carbon Project an undertaking that will provide valuable environmental information. There is no doubt that the information generated by this project will have a lasting impact on the management of energy, water and other environmental issues encountered by the users of turfgrass and other businesses in Colorado, and throughout the United States," says the National Turfgrass Federation.
"The goals of the Colorado Golf Carbon Project align with the environmental efforts of GCSAA and the EIFG to work collaboratively with the golf course industry to advance the compatibility of the game of golf with the environment. GCSAA and the EIFG have identified three areas of focus for the golf course industry: water conservation; water quality protection; and energy conservation, and these areas of focus all influence the carbon footprint of a golf facility," says Mark J. Woodward, CGCS Chief Executive Officer at GCSAA.
The Colorado Golf Carbon Project is a first of its kind not only in the way that it presents a partnership between a diverse group of representatives within the golf industry and research entities, but also in what it is setting out to accomplish:
• To develop a carbon emission and carbon sequestration data collection system for golf courses of Colorado. Results documenting the total carbon effects of sequestration and emissions will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
• To document the sequestered carbon at Colorado's golf facilities on an annual basis and create marketable offsets, thus creating a self sustaining funding mechanism for this and future projects aimed at improving conservation and environmental stewardship at golf facilities.
The Colorado Golf Carbon Project is a joint effort between Golfpreserves® and the Allied Golf Associations of Colorado, including the Colorado Golf Association, the Rocky Mountain Golf Course Superintendent's Association, the Colorado Section of the PGA, the Colorado Women's Golf Association, the Colorado Chapter of the Club Managers of America and the Colorado Chapter of the Golf Course Owners Association and is supported by the USGA Green Section, Audubon International as well as the International Sustainability Council. Research partners participating in the development of the project include Colorado State University and the USDA/ARS.
"This project is supported by representatives from every section of golf, as well as the USDA/ARS, Colorado State University, Audubon International, the International Sustainability Council and the turf grass industry. To have the National Turfgrass Federation as well as the GCSAA and EIFG joining us in our quest is not only a welcomed addition in support, but also solidifies our strong belief that the project will contribute to make the industry of golf even stronger for the future," says Noble Hendrix of Golfpreserves®. Participation is ongoing and the project is expected to be initiated by January 1, 2010.
About Golfpreserves®
Golfpreserves® is a carbon sequestration program for the golf course industry. As an aggregator, Golfpreserves® will facilitate the assessment, quantification and confirmation of sequestered carbon, and create carbon financial instruments (CFI) that will be sold to produce revenue. The proceeds from sold carbon credits are invested in research focusing on carbon sequestration, energy and water conservation, environmentally improved turfgrass, and reduced pesticide usage. For more information, visit www.golfpreserves.com.
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