Featured Golf News
Golf Course Life Span Information Available
A chart listing golf course components and their expected life cycles is available from the American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA). The chart can help clubs plan for both capital expenditures and interruption in play caused by course component maintenance and replacement.
"This list of golf course components – from tee boxes and greens to cart paths and irrigation systems – and their life expectancies can help golf courses avoid unexpected expenses and course closures by knowing how long components typically last," explains ASGCA President Greg Muirhead. "The process is similar to scheduled maintenance on our cars. We know oil needs to be changed every 3,000 miles to keep the engine running smoothly. The same thinking should be applied to golf course components by planning for maintenance and replacement."
The chart, compiled by ASGCA and reviewed by seven of the other allied associations (CMAA, GCBAA, GCSAA, NGCOA, NGF, PGA and USGA), is particularly important for long-term planning. Muirhead recommends that clubs prepare master plans that look at budgeting over the long term in order to smooth operations and ensure consistency, even when new boards are appointed or ownership changes.
Muirhead notes that when the chart was launched at the 2006 Golf Industry Show, it was well-received by superintendents, club managers and owners attending the show. The one-page chart may be obtained by calling ASGCA at 262/786-5960, emailing info@asgca.org, or writing to the ASGCA at 125 N. Executive Drive, Suite 106, Brookfield, WI 53005.
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