Featured Golf News
The Extra 20 Yards Launches in May
May 2, 2011. Every golfer wants a competitive edge and The Extra 20 Yards® is it. It's the first affordable golf-specific home gym designed to build strength, increase swing speed and lead to more distance.

Extra 20 Yards
After a highly successful launch in Europe, The Extra 20 Yards® makes its U.S. debut now at an incredible value of $350. There is nothing else on the market at this attainable price point.
The innovative weight-pulley device mimics the golf swing and engages all the important swing muscles. Golfers need only to spend three to five minutes a day, three to four times a week to reap the benefits they've spent years and a lot of money searching for.
The high-quality machine is easy to install and has three key features:
• A swivel pulley set at the correct swing plane angle for both right- and left-handed use.
• A weight stack comprised of 4.4-lbs. plates calibrated to build golf muscles without losing flexibility - start with lighter weights and work up to heavier ones.
• A classic golf grip attached to a cable to pull the weights that builds muscle memory in your hands and arms to ensure the right technique, helping to groove the correct kinematic muscle sequence.
Many golfers spend hundreds, even thousands, of dollars a year looking for that magic club that will finally help them out drive their buddies and shoot lower scores. But The Extra 20 Yards® is a much easier, much more effective way for those of us with busy, working lives to become "golf fit" and gain distance.
By developing the golf-specific muscles that create the downswing force, golfers will increase their swing speed and hit the ball farther. The pros know it. That's why they spend hours in the gym every week.
However, even the most comprehensive gyms don't have golf-specific equipment like The Extra 20 Yards® to strengthen the exact muscles that golfers need. The most beneficial exercise is one that starts with the body in the correct golfing posture, and exercises the core region and other key muscle groups just like The Extra 20 Yards® does.
"This is ideal for the keen golfer," says Simon Yates, 7th in all time career earnings on the Asian PGA Tour. "It works all the muscles in a golf swing and you don't have to spend lots of time in the gym. Forget spending lots of money on the latest drivers, and just spend a few minutes each week using this machine and you will gain The Extra 20 Yards®."
Catriona Matthew, British Ladies Open champion, was so impressed that she requested one for her own home. "My coach introduced me to The Extra 20 Yards®, and I immediately saw how useful it would be," said Matthew. "I got one within a few days and it is now helping me develop a stronger golf swing, hit the ball longer and I'm sure it will protect me against long term injuries."
Amateur golfers can no longer see strength conditioning as something only the pros do. If they want to add yards to their drives, lower their scores and win more matches, the golf muscles need to get stronger. Strength training can also help golfers avoid injuries throughout their golfing career.
Studies show that the higher the swing speed the lower the handicap, and that a conditioning program could improve club head speeds in golfers of all ages and abilities. The Extra 20 Yards® is making these improvements practical and achievable for all golfers.
For additional information and to order, visit www.extra-yards.com.
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